The Perseus and Andromeda Fountain, Witley Court 1860
The Worcestershire Chronicle reports “Statuary – The gigantic body of the statue of a horse, minus the head, neck and limbs, was yesterday conveyed from the Worcester station to Witley Court, where it is to form part of a group of statuary. The material was a hard white stone. As there might have been some difficulty in lifting the mass of stone at the railway stations, it was put on a trolley at the mason’s yard, and the vehicle and its load were put on a railway truck in London, and sent down with about as much ease as a gentleman’s carriage is conveyed along the railway. At the Worcester station a large team of powerful horses, belonging to Mr. John Tustin of Lowesmoor, was put in front of the trolley (which with its load weighed 15 tons ) and it was taken to the gardens of Witley Court, where the statue was safely deposited”