St Leonard's churchyard, Newland, Cross for Agnes Raymond 1868
There is an entry in William’s account book “ Memorial cross in marble with carved lilies /palm branch, crown, small cross /and lamb “ for Rev. James Skinner of St Leonard’s church, Newland
The Worcester Journal reports “ Mr. Forsyth, sculptor, of this city, has just placed in Newland churchyard a beautiful marble tomb, in memory of Agnes Raymond, only daughter of the Rev. James Skinner. The tomb consists of a cross with various symbols – amongst others a palm branch, typical of peace ; lilies, of chastity ; and a crown with a small cross symbolizing “no cross, no crown “. At the foot of the cross is a lamb, with lilies and a Star of Bethlehem. The tomb has a very rich, nicely moulded border, with crosses at each corner inlaid with lead. Within the border are beautiful flowers. The work is in the highest degree creditable to Mr. Forsyth “
The cross and borders are now in a poor state